Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Did Biden Lie in Saying Wife Killed by a Drunken Driver?

Two days before Christmas. Joe Biden's wife packed her children into the car and went in search of a Christmas tree. She stopped at an intersection, then proceeded through. A large truck came barreling down the hill from the other direction. Her car drifted into the oncoming lane. The truck hit its brakes to stop from hitting her, but not in time. The accident claimed not only the life of Joe's 30-year-old soulmate wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, but that of their precious daughter, one-year-old Naomi.

Word spread through the town that the truck driver had been drunk -- rumors fed by the emergency workers who responded-- but there was no evidence that the driver was in anyway at fault. If he seemed dazed, well, what had just happened would have dazed most anyone. 

Joe did, on at least two occasions, claim the truck driver had been drinking. The family of the driver, of course, was incensed at the charge. Joe, reconsidered, repented, and apologized to the family, dropping his belief and assertion that the truck driver was drunken.

The story is being used to paint Biden as a liar. Along with other claims of his lying, one critic, in outrage, has suggested, "The man is a pathological liar. Pathological liars seem to default to lies, even when it would be easier to just tell the truth. How can you trust a pathological liar with your freedom? No can do."

Biden was wrong. He admitted it. He made peace with the family he had falsely accused. Bless him. Bless the man who drove the truck and his family who suffered the false accusations. But, no, I do not judge Biden a liar based on this. With the emergency workers suggesting the driver having been drunk, and with that being the talk of the town, it is not surprising that he bought into it.

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