Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Seven Charging Stations Out of 500,000 Promised is Unacceptable

  Who do we blame? Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg? 

   Yes, this is a pretty big scandal. If you haven't noticed, there's a huge number of people who say the reason they won't buy electric vehicles is because there often just isn't a place to plug them in and charge them.
   Well, President Biden came along and said, No problem, vowing to build 500,000 chargings stations along our nation's highways. I just said 500,000, didn't I? And how many have actually been built?


   Now, there is some urgency to getting these stations up. You've heard of climate change, perhaps, and how we need to reduce our carbon emissions? Well, Getting these charging stations up and running is a key part of the program to meeting our pollution-fighting goals in time.

   Did I just say only seven out of 500,000 have built. Two years have passed and we only have built . . . seven?

   Call a congressional inquiry, perhaps. Or launch protests at Pete Buttigieg's office. Congress allocated $7.5 billion for this program and seven charging stations in two years is . . .


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