Friday, June 21, 2024

No 17,000 Miles With Xi For Joe Biden

By now, it is starting to smell for Joe Biden. A friend gave me a list of "lies" by him. I was sure some of them would end up being flat-out falsehoods. Well, I'm about halfway through the list, and there hasn't been a clunker among them.

Don't get me wrong. I don't find the sin in Biden that my friend does. I am still finding him to be an honorable man -- but a flawed man, the same. I am glad my friend has pointed out his weaknesses. If I am going to support him, I need to know the luggage he brings along.

Today I studied how he has repeatedly said he travelled 17,000 miles with China's Xi Jinping. Biden wants you to know he spent time with Xi, getting to know him, so he has insights into the Chinese leader. But 17,000 miles on airplanes, and in cars, and travelling with him? No, no, no. 

"There appears to have been only one time that Xi and Biden traveled together," says "During the Obama administration, Biden was asked to meet with Xi in China. The Washington Times reported this trip awas 50 miles to a Chinese school."

Biden could have just told it the way it was. He has met a reasonable amount of times with Xi. It's just that marking it in miles traveled with him just doesn't work. He met with him in China in 2021, in the U.S. in 2012, in China in 2013. He met with him in Washington in 2015. Perhaps there were other times, perhaps not.

Joe, just tell the truth. You can make a good case for having met often with Xi, but you blow yourself apart when you claim you've traveled together 17,000  miles.

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