Monday, June 10, 2024


No Tax On Tips?

Raise your eyebrow, if you will
When Trump says he will end taxes on tips
He says he'll do it first thing in office
So what do we make  of the words coming from his lips?

The Tax Code can only be changed by Congress
At least that's the way its always been
The Constitution set things up that way
So we ought to stick with what it does intend

Of course, maybe he just means he'll persuade Congress
To make the change in the law
All I know is he wants to control them, too
So how does that stick in your craw?

Raise your eyebrow, on Donald Trump
When he says he'll do away with taxes on tips
He'll need more power than the Constitution gives him
Now there's something with which we must come to grips

We need to remember we're electing a president
And not a dictator for our land
But I don't think he feels the same
For he wants to be a ruler grand

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