Monday, June 10, 2024


Kiss Goodbye

You trust a man with change upon his mind?
Not just minor change
But the framework of our land?

You trust him, but I don't
I'm not for such great tinkering
No, I'm not a fan

It was 1788 the Constitution became our law
It has stood all these years
We've given it all our cheers
Blessed it with our tears
Are you sure we want to knock it off with a saw?

The Trump Man, he's the one who wants some change
Says we need to clean the swamp
And here's what he's got in his range

Career diplomats and long-time workers?
Well, you know who he will go at
The ones who will not be true to him
They will get his bat

"Clean the swamp" is just a way to say
If you are not my loyalist
Then you are in my way
And I just might haul you off to prison
When my great new government has arisen

And we might need to give me more charge
Of the finances of our land
It's in the name of stopping the national debt
But we'll see where else I stick my hand
Don't worry that the Constitution doesn't allow this
Once it's gone, it's not something you'll likely miss

Oh, and I'll need to control all the courts
For you saw what they did to me
Now it's time for me to take over
So kiss goodbye to your long-lived land of liberty

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