Saturday, June 22, 2024

Cunningly, we Maintain a System of Havoc at the Border

It's not how many agents you have at the border, not how many officers are watching and and ready to haul you in. No, not at all. Rather, it is the court administrators. It is the number of people you have to process the people in.

Many of the people who arrive at America's borders surrender themselves, probably the good chunk of them do. Seeking asylum, they come to the border in hopes of being "caught," if you can call it that. You don't need to go searching them out to arrest them. They are willing volunteers in turning themselves in. The asylum process is set up that way. So, how many officers does it take to round up people who are volunteering to be caught, who are rushing into the net?

No, the problem doesn't set in until you begin processing the people in. The important number is not how many border patrol agents you have, but how many court administrators you have. That is where the bottleneck is.

Have you ever -- I mean, ever -- heard how many are employed right in our immigration courts, how many people are staffing our immigrant court system? Maybe that is because we aren't recognizing that that is where the bottleneck is, that is where the problem lies. What a rather blind nation we are. We scream about how our borders are being overwhelmed with applicants wanting to come here, then we fail to see how the problem can be solved.

Yes, we should question our collective intelligence.

Now, if you don't want immigrants -- if your focus isn't on separating those who should be here from those who should not, but rather just on keeping them all out -- then your purpose is best served by preserving the bottleneck. Keep the havoc as the order of the day. Chaos at the border creates outrage in the populace. You can stir the people up against people coming to our country.

Politics over justice, is that what you want? Because it's what you've got.

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