Friday, June 21, 2024

Trump is a 'Bottomless Pinocchio' Multiple Times Worse Than Biden

When The Washington Post catches you telling the same untruth at least 20 times, you win a dubious distinction -- the "Bottomless Pinocchio" rating. Joe Biden earned the rating for the first time in 2022 after repeating and repeating the false claim that he traveled 17,000 miles with China's Xi Jinping. 

The Post introduced the rating after a flood of such dishonest statements by Donald Trump. The Post said Trump, at the time it introduced the rating in 2018, had made 14 such statements. No other politician had even made the list.

So those who ride Joe Biden for the absurdity of his 17,000-miles with Xi statement should consider that while Joe has a flaw, Trump's obsession for lying is multiple times worse.

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