Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Biden Has Known the Storm

Joe Biden has known the storm
Has Trump known the same?
Personal tragedies scar Biden's life
It's not been all glitz and fame

His soulmate wife
Neilia Hunter Biden
Two days before Christmas
Ripped from his heart 
When two vehicles came colliding

The youngest daughter died
In that accident as well
Imagine Biden's grief
And how his tears did swell

His noble older son
Beau Biden, by his name
Lost to brain cancer
Death, again, staking its claim

The second son he had?
He became lost in drugs
To the disappointment of his dad

And, here's one you didn't know:
Back in 1988
Surgery for Biden, himself
An aneurysm was his fate

A serious complication followed
Pulmonary embolism
And before all was said and done
He suffered a second aneurysm

They say great souls are forged in fire
And while we might question whether Biden is all so great
Great men pass through trials
And this man has walked through that gate

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