Tuesday, August 27, 2024


When You Share Your Lights

Consider the story of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson 
Friends they were, and friends to see, marvelous friends, I think you'll agree

Or how about Henry Ford and Thomas Edison?
Two friends for life
And that friendship was the best, the best of medicine

Then think of Robert Frost and a close friend who he took walks with
The writer Edward Thomas
And they gave each other quite a lift

Hans Christian Anderson and the just-as-famous Charles Dickens
Galileo and philosopher Cesare Cremonini
Yes, see how the plot thickens

And so you see how greatness often seeks a friend
Someone also great
And upon each other they do depend

Is there someone in your life
Who will help you climb to great heights?
For you can see greater acc
When you share your lights

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