Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Seligson was Allegedly Involved in Vandalism, after All

It's easy to be wrong, easy to make a mistake, and I did. In a post yesterday, I expressed outrage that New York City journalist Samuel Seligson was arrested on felony hate crime charges. He filmed pro-Palestinian  protesters as they splashed red paint on homes of leaders of the Brooklyn Museum. I said he was not involved in any vandalism, and asked why he was being arrested on the hate crime charges.

As I went to bed after writing the post, I thought how something must be wrong. I should have listened to my instincts. Today -- checking on the accuracy of the story -- I came across a story saying Seligson was, indeed, allegedly involved in the vandalism.

Now, I do have an excuse: I was simply passing along the news as reported by The Associated Press. But, I should have checked on the veracity of the story. I am responsible for what I write.

Today, I find this in amNewYork Metro's website: "The Associated Press reported Tuesday that Seligson -- identified in the report as an independent journalist -- was not involved in the vandalism, and was only accused of documenting it. Police sources, however, told amNewYork Metro that Seligson allegedly served as the lookout in the series of vandalism incidents."

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