Friday, August 23, 2024

She Was Simply Buying Lunch for Her Volunteers That visit by Kamala Harris to Primanti Bros. restaurant in Pennsylvania? All the talk of how good customers were kicked out of the restaurant to make way for paid actors to come in for a photo-op?
Here's what happened, am I not correct? Kamala decided she wanted to buy a lunch for her volunteer campaign workers, just to show she appreciated them. That's all. From that, the Repubs twisted what happened into something that didn't happen and that is not right. It is a good thing to show your appreciation for your volunteers, not a bad thing. How was this ever been twisted into something negative? There were no paid actors. Indeed, there were no actors at all. They were simply volunteers Kamala was feeding. Bless her, for being so thoughtful towards her volunteers. I might well study this further some other day. But, from everything I know, the Repubs were dead wrong to attack her on this, twisting the story to make her look evil when actually she was being just the opposite. But, we are told, in the last days, there will be those who call evil good, and good evil.

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