Saturday, August 17, 2024

Without Rules, it Would be Chaos

A meme on Facebook says:

"JD Vance is the guy who mows your lawn when you break a leg. Tim Walz is the guy who reports your overgrown lawn to the HOA."

I post my reply:

"Don't agree . . . but it's funny."

Travis replies:

"Don't agree? Why? Because JD Walz started a snitch on your neighbor act? Remember, ones thoughts on communism is just another's way of being neighbourly."

I reply:

"Am I off on what you are talking about? I'm thinking you are referring to when Walz created a hotline (during the pandemic) to report those who were not following lockdown guidelines. You do not believe Covid was harmful. I believe it was, so I believe the efforts to fight it were right."

Says Travis:

"So if you label something harmful you have every right to abolish every freedom in the name of "Social Safety"? If that's the case please eradicate your home of electricity, stove, knives, gun, or yourself to ensure you, nor anything you own, presents any form of harm to others."

I reply:

"I realize the lockdown is perhaps the cornerstone of conservative claims that we have lost our freedom. I disagree. If the disease was harmful, and spreading to hurt others, you take steps to avoid it from being transmitted. From my way of thinking, saying we have lost our freedom is a stretch. We have a lot of laws and restrictions in our society. You can't drive unless you get a license, and when you do drive, you have to adhere to the traffic rules. You cannot take illegal drugs. To me, we would have anarchy and chaos without such rules. I often wonder if getting us to  that point (anarchy and chaos) is what those who teach against Covid are trying to accomplish."

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