Sunday, August 18, 2024


'Miracle' Might be too Big a Word, but 'Amazing' is Not

You can wonder if there has been heavenly intervention. No, I'm not saying there has, because I'm not sure there has, but I consider that there might have been. Pundits say this has never happened in America's history. Trump was up by maybe six points. Then, with Kamala Harris replacing Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, Kamala has jumped to about a five-point lead. That's an 11-point turnaround in just a few short weeks. 

"Miracle" might be too big of a word. But the turnaround is amazing, the same. 

People are praying on both sides of the issue -- some for Trump, some against him. Some are persuaded God is behind Trump. Then, there are those of us who believe God inspired the founding of America as a free country. To us, the liberty of this nation was necessary to make it a place where great things could be brought about. Would God then want a dictatorship to capture our country? Especially if the leader coming in was a wicked person?

Yes, I pray for America. I pray for freedom. I pray against a dictatorship. I pray against Donald Trump. The election is still a ways away, and who knows what will happen. Still, I thank the Lord for what has happened. I thank the Lord for the surprising, amazing turnaround. God bless America. 

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