Tuesday, August 13, 2024

This Much Ballyhooed Project Will be a Plus

  Ryan and Ashley Smith, owners of the Utah Jazz and also known as Smith Entertainment Group, want to upscale the Delta Center, where the Jazz play, and make the sight lines good for hockey.

   That's part of bringing in an NHL team, a much ballyhooed move. The area around the Delta Center will also get some redevelopment attention. And, down south in Sandy, a training facility for the new hockey team will be built. And, just as up in SLC, redevelopment of the whole area is planned.

    Here's believing it all can be a plus for the SLV. I would guess all the figures to help us decide whether we should like the project have been out there, but I wish I knew them.

   1. What is the total cost of the two projects? That might be hard to establish as much of the Sandy project -- housing or whatever -- might be way down the road. Still, I'd like to know the total with everything in it.

   2. How much is expected in tax revenue? I would think that estimate would be in HB 488. The way some talk, you would think the taxpayers are paying the whole thing. It would be good to compare SEG's share to that of the taxpayers.
   3. How much new tax revenue will the two projects generate? Hard to speculate, again, but perhaps the legislative staff has also included that in the HB 400 notes. If the projects are going to generate more tax revenue than they cost, the argument against the development loses a lot of impact.

   From all I do know, I like the two projects. Community development can be a good thing. Nor do I see it as something that will also serve the rich, as many are arguing: the housing is not, if I am correct, and the bridge would serve pedestrians -- that doesn't translate into the rich.
   The hockey center in Sandy -- depending on prices charged -- will end up serving a lot of lower-income families. Involving youth in hockey is one way to keep the kids off the streets, and help them establish positive friendships instead of falling into gangs.

   From what I do know of the project, it will be a definite plus for the SLV and for Utah. 

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