Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Is Freedom of Religion to be Allowed?
How about Quoting from the Bible? 

When The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints added some guidelines on participation of transexuals in its meetings, the changes did not go over well with the Salt Lake Tribune. "New LDS Church policies relegate trans members to 'second-class' status, scholars warn," said the headline.

I tried to post the following in the comments below the story, but my comment was rejected for not following Trib guidelines -- most likely for being judged as transphobic.

"Bless the LGBTQ community. But, just as they have the right to believe as they do, so does The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. To a large part, this comes down to freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Many on this thread do not extend to the LDS people the right to believe as they do. The LDS people, for the most part, love those in the LGBTQ community. But they do not believe the lifestyle is within the parameters God provides for. Are they not to be allowed to believe this? Freedom doesn't mean you must conform to the beliefs of others, but that you can have a view that contrasts with that of others. 
"Passages in the Bible indicate God does not approve of the gay lifestyle. 'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination,' it says in Leviticus Chapter 18. The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis is of note. Residents of the city wished to rape the angels who retrieved Lot. The name 'Sodom'became the basis of the word 'sodomy.'
"Let the LDS practice their faith. Let them in their use of their church buildings adhere to their beliefs."

Then, I tried to post just the part that discusses what it says in the Bible. Again I was rejected. So, I offered this comment: "I just tried to post on what the Bible says about transexualism. My post was denied. I'm a little concerned if we are not allowed to quote the Bible. Wicked book, that Bible. Teaching from it should not be allowed."

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