Sunday, August 4, 2024

Surely They Must have Known Their Play had a Likeness

That skit at the Olympics, the one during the Opening Ceremonies, the one that drew ire . . . the controvery continues.

One thought that I haven't seen expressed is that the skit's directors and participants must have known about "The Last Supper." Most everyone has seen that painting. I would think the Olympic's people knew full-well that their scene replicated much in "The Last Supper" painting. They can argue all day that the skit was based on another painting, not da Vinci's "The Last Supper," but it is hard to argue they didn't know their skit had a lot in common with "The Last Supper." They went ahead with the skit, anyway. They thumbed their noses at Christianity.

Those who are inclusive of others, who seek unity in society, and who do not want to offend would not have plunged ahead knowing the likeness. They raised the cry of freedom of speech when they were done, but what they did was hurtful. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you cannot be hurtful, and they were.

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