Thursday, August 8, 2024

Small Family Farmers Need a Second Income

  Here's a shocker, even to me, who grew up on a farm of which my dad had to have a second job to make ends meet.

  "About 88 percent of U.S. farms are small family farms, with gross cash farm income less than $350,000. The households operating these farms typical rely on off-farm sources for the majority of their household income. In contrast, the median household operating large-scale farms earned $505,833 in 2022, and most of that came from farming."

  Move over, abortion and immigration, the plight of the small farmer should also be a political issue. I wonder what the two candidates would say if a moderator at the next debate queried them about the plight of America's small family farmers.

  Having food to eat is a must for all of us, right? So shouldn't we be concerned about the people who provide us the food?

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