Sunday, August 11, 2024


Disqualify Them

We should listen, it's Donald Trump
Yes, this time we should listen, and take his advice
He's come up with some wisdom this time
So we should do what he says, and be precise

He was a little upset with some pictures of a rally
They showed tons of people for Harris showing up
Not so, said Donald, nobody was even there
Listen to what I'm saying, and don't interrupt

It took AI, he said, altering the picture
To make it look like people were there
"She should be disqualified because of the creation of a fake image," he said
What she's doing isn't fare

He called it election interference, and said:
"Anyone who does that will cheat at anything"
Well, take his word
If someone says something fake and false
Don't just give them a minor ding
Disqualify them from running -- make it sting

Trump was wrong, the pictures were real
AI didn't do it
Trump said it, himself
The person lying should be disqualified
Hey, Mr. Trump, looks like you blew it

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