Friday, August 16, 2024

Mark Robinson has Offended Many

Read about this guy -- Mark Robinson --  and 
wonder how someone like him could get so far in politics. How it is possible the electorate would endorse him? One thought -- one guess as to how -- is that this is what we have reaped by rejecting the mass media. This is the cost of believing you cannot trust the press. The media has reported what kind of a guy he is, but is the message even reaching the public? If they don't read it, they won't know it. And if they read it and don't believe it, it might well be because they have been indoctrinated to not believe the mass media.

Or, maybe it's just that people don't read the news at all these days. They are too busy with other things; no time to keep up with the news.

Let's look at the meme that has been circulating on Facebook. I assure you will indeed be surprised to think such as person could make his way into public office.


"Republican North Carolina gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson will speak at Trump's rally on Wednesday in NC. Robinson recently said that 'some folks need killing' when referring to political opponents, previously mocked gun violence survivors and claimed that mass shootings are 'Karma' for allowing abortion, said public school teachers are 'wicked people,' said we should 'go back to the America where women couldn't vote,' called LGBTQ+ people 'maggots' and 'filth,' and that's not the half of it."

Could such a man actually win the public over? Would such a person ever have a chance at speaking at a Trump rally? (I'll leave you to answer that.)

Seems a fact-check is in order.

On June 30, speaking to a church congregation, he said, "Some folks need a killing ... It's a matter of necessity." He reportedly was referring to those considered to be enemies of Christian America. Robinson said what he was taken out of context -- he was merely referring to enemies of the United States, such as Nazis in World War II.

CNN has reported that after the shooing at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, Florida, he posted, calling the students "spoiled, angry, know it all CHILDREN," "Spoiled little Bas---ds" and media prosti-tots."

In an interview in 2019, he said: "Do you think that somehow -- people talk about karma all the time. Do you think that that's not swinging back around in this society and that people are seeing how human life is being devalued through the murder of all these infants? Of course it is. Of course they are. So, you know, it's just like that old thing that Malcolm X said years ago about the Kennedy assassination, about chickens coming home to roost."

In a July, 2023, speech, he called for parents to remove their kids from public schools. 'Y
ou need to come out from among them, make your own school,” he said. “Do not turn your children over to these wicked people.” 

Did he say America should go back to the day when women couldn't vote? CheckYourFact reports that this one is a misrepresentation -- his words were taken out of context. CheckYourFact provided the full quote: “This idiotic guy was on stage with Candace Owens a few days ago and asked her, ‘What America are we going back to to make America great again? The one where women couldn’t vote or Black people were swinging from cheap trees?’ I would say to him if I was standing in front of him, ‘I absolutely want to go back to the America where women couldn’t vote.’ Do you know why? Because in those days, we had people who fought for real social change and they were called Republicans. And they are the reason why women can vote today." 

It was in another church sermon, this one in 2021, that he compared LGBTQ+ people to "maggots" and "flies." He later doubled down on that, saying, 
"And yes, I called it filth, and if you don't like that I called it filth, come see me and I'll explain it to you."

Some of you reading this might think, Well, I favor home schooling, myself, or Well, I'm against homosexuality, myself, and justify what he said. That is wrong of you. You can favor home schooling without calling public school teachers "wicked," and you can oppose the LGBTQ+ lifestyle without calling those who participate in it "maggots" and "filth."

Fortunately, I think most of you will agree. 

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